Need an affordable meal plan? Want to get a taste of cooperative living without committing to a full membership? Then look into our associate membership program. As an associate, you get all the privileges of regular membership (other than a room), including access to your house’s common areas, full voting privileges at your house’s weekly meetings, and the community-run meal plan. In exchange, you pay a monthly fee and do 2 hours of weekly labor at your house, giving you a chance to meet house members. If you later decide to become a full member, you can sign a contract during priority signing and guarantee yourself a spot at the house(s) you were accepted at.
Associate memberships are also ideal for former co-op residents who still want to take advantage of the meal plan and stay involved at their house.
Associate memberships go by semester, and you can start anytime! Apply for free here (Make sure to choose “Associate” for the first question). See you at the co-op!